Thursday 23 October 2014

The Ugly Sharkling

One boiling day little Phil was in the car with his friend, it was no ordinary friend  It was  a giant spider and they were itching to get there.  As soon as they got there they put on their swimming gear and headed down to the water.when they were at the sea shore.  Harry mumbled with ideas.  Phil  just said, "Calm down and have fun."  Harry mumbled and said, "Okay."

Tuesday 23 September 2014


Work Hard

One  day there  was a  little girl  who  hated work.  She  would  always fall  asleep  through it.   Her name was Ariana and she  was a very useful  girl.  She even had a nickname  called  Useful Ari. On the other hand  she sometimes had detention  but  she didn’t  mind because there was no work. Her teacher said after  lunch there would  be  a movie and everyone was excited. Soon the time came. It was movie time but Ariana couldn't  watch it. She was speechless.  Her teacher said, “You haven’t  finished your work,” and all Ariana could say was “B b b b but  …”  “No back to work,”  her teacher said. From that day on she learned to always work hard.

The moral of the story is work hard and good stuff  will come to you.

By Petra

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Pirate Story

Once there was a pirate whose name was Jonsy Jancy Jane.  He had a treasure map which had an island on it.  Whenever he looked for the island he had a suspicious look on his face because he could never find it. He looked everywhere for it.  Other pirates couldn't believe how long he'd been looking for it.  One day Jonsy Jancy Jane was sailing the sea and he saw an island like the picture on his map.  He looked at the island with his telescope.  It was the island, so  he was happy and he did the pirate dance. He went to his dinghy.  He actually didn't know how long it would take to get to the island but because he was good and clever he guessed it was all night and day.  So he sailed day and night.  Soon day and night was gone and Jonsy Jancy Jane landed on the island.  It felt freezing.  He even shivered but he wouldn't give up. Jonsy Jancy Jane looked very hard for the treasure. Soon he found the treasure chest.  When he opened it he was amazed at what he saw: gold blooms, money and diamonds.  But he didn't know that someone owned the treasure until that person turned up. When he saw that person walking, he stared at them because it was his mother.  His mother was a nice woman so they shared the treasure and lived happily ever after.